Saturday, October 2, 2010

Going Gaga: Our Entertainment Society Part II

"Just dance!" Don't think, don't worry, it's gonna be ok--that's the first message we received from one of our newest pop-curiosities--and she's been controversial ever since.

   So, you like Lady Gaga?

   Let me start off by guiltily admitting to, well, somewhat liking Lady Gaga's colourful, catchy and well-produced music. She's different, her songs are easy to listen to, easy to sing, and… I caught myself belting out her first hit in the shower for ages when it came out. Like most people I took the song—and Lady Gaga—at face value.

   The video for 'Alejandro' is what changed my mind about Lady Gaga, and if I regularly watched Video Hits and listened to pop music (I don't, as most modern music isn't always to my taste) I may have picked up on the deep occult and mind control symbolism in her videos sooner. It really hit me when I saw 'Alejandro' and 'Bad Romance'; the symbols present within these videos are blatantly obvious to anyone who is familiar with the occult, and I vowed to pay more attention to pop music from then on. I had thought that 'Alejandro' was a 'new' direction for Lady Gaga since the catchy hits 'Just Dance' and 'Poker Face'; that perhaps the Media elite *cough Freemasons*, *cough cough Illuminati*,  *cough* (excuse me) had recognised Lady Gaga's potential as a quirky new starlet that they could use to promote their own agenda. However, a friend (who funnily enough is NOT a conspiracy theorist) pointed out that I was wrong about this. And, bearing in mind that nearly the entire media industry is controlled by just a handful of big corporations (AOL Time Warner, Viacom, Sony, Vivendi Universal, and yes, Disney--sorry kids) I probably should have known better. Source

   My friend said: "she does the one-eye thing in these videos too, and don't forget the lightening bolt." Of course! I was surprised that this came from him, but I vaguely remembered Lady Gaga 'poker-faced' and draped over a couch with a shiny sticker-thing beneath one eye... So, I went back to Gaga's earliest video and took a second look...


   First of all I'll start by looking at the name 'Gaga', which itself is an interesting choice. Different people have suggested different inspirations for the name (you can read about Lady Gaga here), but "gaga" literally means 'silly', 'senseless', 'infatuated': click here. And people do go "gaga" over the Lady herself, who continues to dazzle us with her crazy outfits, exhibitionist performances and generally bizarre antics.

   In ‘Just Dance’, it’s hard to miss that lightening bolt sticker; but what does it mean? Is it just some cool fashion statement? No—the occultists are shaking their heads at me—symbols are present in an artwork, whether this is a building, painting, or music video, for a reason. I know you want to slap your English teacher when she says this, but EVERYTHING in the text holds significance, whether personal or global. It is not whether or not the symbol has meaning, but what that particular meaning is: that is the question, Hamlet.

   So what is the meaning of a lightening bolt? Well, it usually represents supernatural charge or power. It can refer to punishment or judgement of the Gods. And if you see two lightening bolts together, this symbol was used by Nazi SS troops! No, I am not saying that Lady Gaga is a Nazi. I think the significance of the lightening bolt is ‘charge’: someone or something is giving her power, whether that is the music industry, or some other supernatural force—or maybe it’s just the alcohol or party atmosphere. You don’t have to believe me, but I will go so far as to say it’s naiive not to consider the meaning of blatant symbolism at all.

   So, 'Just Dance' is basically a song about blissful, alcohol-induced mindlessness, the lyrics say it all:

I've had a little bit too much, much
All of the people start to rush, start to rush by
How does he twist the dance? Can't find a drink oh man
Where are my keys? I lost my phone, phone

What's going on on the floor?
I love this record baby but I can't see straight anymore
Keep it cool, what's the name of this club?
I can't remember but it's alright a-alright

Anyone who's ever had 'a little too much' would know exactly what she's referring too--that light-headedness and mild euphoria. The room seems to spin, you're refreshingly out-of-it, and everything seems to go on around you at the speed of light (but it's because your reaction time is shot, of course). However, according to Gaga, it's a-alright to be out of it:

"I think that everyone is looking for a song that really speaks to the joy in our souls and in our hearts and having a good time. It's just one of those records. It feels really good, and when you listen to it, it makes you feel good inside. It's as simple as that. I don't think it's rocket science when it comes to the heart. I think it's a heart theme song." Source

   That's interesting. According to Gaga, reaching the heart is purely a matter of "feeling good" and "having a good time". In that case, give someone a bottle of wine, crank up the music, and let the good times roll!! Yes, it's fun, and it feels good, and that's pretty much what the song is saying. What's left out of this song is Part II: The Morning After, when you wake up with a massive hangover, your make-up stains on the pillow--and depending upon whose pillow it is, feeling sh-ite may be the least of your regrets. You drag yourself out of bed, take 2 Panadol, try to locate your underwear and go back to school or work, where the daily routine makes you realise that Life sucks, and so you have to do it all again the next weekend... and the next... is this "joy"? Where's the "heart", Lady Gaga?

   Anyway, moving away from the song's message, we now go to the interesting bit, which is the symbolism--and as a picture says a thousand words, these will save me about three-thousand:
Lightening bolt emphasises one eye

One eye in a triangle (pyramid)--Americans, you need look no further than your $1 note for this one. If you don't know about the Illuminati and the 'Novus Ordo Seclorum', then look it up--there are plenty of people who have written about it.

Just Dance

   I went through the video, expecting to find maybe three to four instances of Gaga emphasising the one eye--actually, there were about twelve:
  • At around 1:12-1:14 (this may be different depending upon the particular Youtube video you're looking at) she flashed the 'one eye' twice
  • 1:24, 1:39 and 2:32 also show Gaga emphasising one eye
  • At around 2:40 there is a series of flashing images of the party, then the one-eye at 2:41, then more flashes then the one-eye again at 2:42--is the Illuminati controlling the entertainment industry and influencing our Entertainment Society? Watch this sequence in particular and see what you think
  • 2:59 (mic cord around her eye)
  • 3:14-16 she covers one eye, and then the other--see no evil? Or see nothing at all? (At 1:45-6, she covers and uncovers both her eyes twice--is she saying "take a second look" or something to that affect? Things are best hidden when they are in plain sight)
  • 3:21, one-eye (getting tedious now)
  • 2:28-30 she covers and uncovers one eye twice
  • 4:03-4 covers and uncovers one eye three times to the beat, and in the very last scene she covers one eye with her hand. This covering of the eye is not a coincidence--it's either something 'trendy' that she's doing, or she's making a statement--how you interpret it is up to you.

   To other news now, at 3:00-3:02 in the video we have a blonde woman who sits listlessly in front of a television, which shows the image of a man's face. I can't make out what he says, but something about it is sort of creepy in a 1984-like way. Is this a metaphore for the dumbing down/brainwashing of the masses via mass media? Or is the woman just high? (Both?) Whatever the significance, if, indeed, it means anything at all, the song at this point takes an interesting turn: the music changes, and Gaga is now all 'wet'--in a wading pool, getting it on with a blow-up whale. The lyrics are all very strange, and sound an awful lot like "have sex" followed by nearly indecipherable whispers of a (no doubt) sexually suggestive nature. I think this is intentional. The actual lyrics are as follows:

Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic
Got my blueprint, it's symphonic
Half psychotic, sick, hypnotic
Got my blueprint, electronic (x2)

   Are these merely the drunken antics and ramblings of a party girl? Possibly, and most people will take it as that. However, when I see the word "hypnotic" I think instantly back to the scene of that woman in front of the television. As for "half psychotic", this could be a reference to the affect that drugs can have on your perception (and Lady Gaga is no stranger to psychotropics, see here). While it is "sick" (in whichever sense of the word you like), being drunk and mindless is so seductive; pop culture is so "hypnotic"... isn't it? The party looks like so much fun!

   Then we come to "Got my blueprint". What is a "blueprint"? It usually refers to a technical drawing, or an architectual/engineering design. Source. So it's a plan, basically--but what would a mindless party girl by the name of 'Gaga' be doing with a blueprint? Surely she's there to "just dance" and have a great time, the very opposite to having a planned affair. Unless she's not a mindless party girl at all, but a clever artist with an agenda--think I'm taking it too far? What does Lady Gaga say?

"I think the world definitely needs more fun music. The album's a reflection of what I want to hear and what I think the world needs to hear. I think that really great artists have intuition about what's next in pop culture. It's sort of like we're taking constant pH and litmus tests to test the world and see what's going to hit next." Source

There you go, straight from the horse's mouth! So, what is her agenda, then? Is it just to promote the values of casual, temporary fun and the party lifestyle? Something more to do with the all-seeing eye? Well, that's for you to decide. 'Alejandro' and 'Bad Romance' are far more revealing in this respect, so I suggest you take "another look" at them and see what you think.

Interesting to note as well: at 2:06 one of the extras is sitting on a couch directly in front of some deer antlers--coincidence? Gaga seems quite fond of them herself:

Even for the skeptics, does this not strike you as being a little pagan? Now, doesn't that second one look a little bit like...

Yes, it's Baphomet! You can read about Baphomet here if you don't know already, but I recommend looking outside of the meanstream to get the full picture of this prominant occult figure.

   Maybe Gaga believes in this stuff, and maybe she doesn't. Either way, the symbolism is there, and you can admit this or choose to ignore it.

   Gaga dances in a stiff, robotic way throughout the video. While often scantily clad, and half-way between "turning her clothes inside-out" or getting them off altogether, 90% of the time her expression is blank and her movements seem staged, rather than sexual. She is like a doll going through the motions of what would ordinarily be considered sexy, but she is somewhat distant and vacant, like a mind-control slave. Actually, the Gaga persona in MOST of her videos behaves in this way--just a trend? Even if that's just what it is, don't you think that's kind of disturbing?

   No? That's ok. Close your eyes, don't worry, drink up: just "dance".

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